Patrons and supporters

Become a patron or supporter of the Football Haiku World Cup Project

If you are an individual or organisation that would like to become a partner or patron or supporter of the project, and in particular if you would be able to contribute financially to it to help us make it happen (no matter how small a contribution), please also contact us immediately at In exchange for your contribution we will provide you with a link in the ebook.

Image on right: from the "36 views of Fuji" series by Hiroshige (from the ukiyoe - floating world website


Arksey, Neil (author, UK)
Australian Poetry Centre
Elin, Nurse (adventurer, UK)
Football Poets (Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK)
Grant, Wyn (Warwick University, UK)
Haiku Crossroads (Facebook group)
Hedz Ltd (Birmingham, UK)
Poetry Centre (UK)
Streetspeak (UK)
Summers, Alan (With Words, UK)
Winner, David (author and journalist, UK)

We are also absolutely honoured to have Alec Finlay as a patron of our project.

In 2002 Alec published an anthology, "Football Haiku", with contributions from around the world – he defined the 'football haiku' as a minimal haiku form, using the rule of 1 word per line.
For the 2006 World Cup Ken Cockburn, Arne Rautenberg and Alec produced a second anthology, The "Season Sweetens", for the Germany World Cup.
For the South Africa World Cup he has produced the ltd edition rubber stamp print below, with a 'team' of football haiku.
Alec Finlay's main website is here.  His project White Peak-Dark Peak about the Peak District National Park in England has a website here.  He has also created the Renga Platform.  He also has a beautiful photostream at Flickr